20253 posts
- Blog introspection - January 28
- Sometimes - January 20
- Magic of Christmas Fades - January 8
202420 posts
- Hugo and Obsidian - December 23
- FIFA night - December 20
- The bridges of the Matrix - November 22
- Mastodon vs. Bluesky - November 15
- Obsidian Templater, full potential - November 13
- Feeds problems - October 28
- Digital Nomad, the concept (2024) - October 25
- Bluesky, hosting a PDS - October 23
- Mastodon, bluesky and the blue bird - October 22
- Automating the media (hugo-medialog.go) - October 15
- Small tweaks in the blog - September 20
- The Medialog - August 27
- Holidays, a digital challenge - August 16
- A movie for a change - July 29
- Struggle and Motivation - July 11
- Madrid, spring 2024 - May 8
- Good Bye Vila Penguin - April 25
- Microposting... obs2hugo.go - April 10
- Turning Ipad Into a Remote Development Tool - February 20
- Embracing the ordinary - February 7
20235 posts
- Vim: embedded git diff - October 11
- Boost computer CPU using a fridge - August 23
- iPad as Dev Machine - April 16
- Remote Debug in Go (nvim + delve + docker) - February 3
- Snowy Fun with Family - January 23
20229 posts
- Benchmarking with Siege - December 29
- The Van - November 7
- Summer 2022 - September 12
- Gardening and Cleaning - June 16
- Fediverse - May 26
- Blood Donation - May 3
- Wikingo - April 25
- Vim: Mark Task as Done - April 14
- ¡Hola Hugo! - March 31
20216 posts
- Recently: 2021-til-11 - December 14
- Let's Encrypt's ROOT Certificate expired! - October 1
- Got vaccinated - June 25
- Stay static - May 7
- Recently: 2021-02 - March 12
- Recently: 2021-01 - February 3
20204 posts
- Docker + Mutagen - May 29
- Mattermost and Matterbridge - February 21
- IRSSI: Hilighting your nick - February 11
- Winter update, twenty twenty - February 1
20198 posts
- Mi DevFestGal - October 28
- No place to hide - September 7
- World Roller Games 2019 - August 21
- Bucles asíncronos en javascript - June 20
- New backpack - June 13
- Unwrapping the apple - June 8
- Docker all the things - April 2
- Por mí y por todos mis compañeros - January 13
201813 posts
- Recently, 2018 - December 29
- BASH, PS1 and the long commands - August 7
- Homemade bread / Pan de Farnadeiros - July 28
- Una fantástica idea - June 29
- Freedom - June 23
- Vim, tmux and vimux - June 13
- The Perfect Documentation Platform - April 30
- EspressoSprint - April 21
- Saturday vibes - April 7
- Cowlab 3: package managers - March 3
- Almost the perfect music stack - February 25
- Life, they say - February 3
- 20180117 - January 17
20177 posts
- OctoSprint - November 9
- Music from terminal: cmus & mpsyt - September 20
- Music: new homekit - August 30
- Digital Nomad: summer basics, 2017 - August 14
- copy-paste mode in tmux 2.4 - May 25
- i3wm - January 20
- Thinkpad x220 - January 17
20168 posts
- Una historia de backups, vacas sucias y Mr. Robot - October 27
- Sync is not backup, backup is not sync. - September 18
- Work anywhere, 2016 - August 9
- Transferir VPS de un proyecto Public Cloud OVH a otro - May 12
- FlowerPower Sprint - April 28
- Ampliación de una partición, VPS de OVH - April 20
- Moviendo entornos virtuales virtualenv - February 11
- Welcome 2016 - January 4
201518 posts
- PyConES 2015 - November 28
- Darcs: Fixing a wrong amend - October 30
- Postfix resolving /etc/hosts entries - October 26
- OSX: Changing user shell - September 30
- Cron: variables based on command output - September 18
- Lazy summer - September 14
- Trick for the summer: the mifi router + 3g data sim - July 20
- New monitor: Acer G276HLA - July 20
- Call date inside an alias - July 2
- Upgrading Django to 1.8 - June 6
- irssi: playing with multiline paste - May 21
- Casual fun with tests - May 13
- Using mercurial a la darcs - April 9
- Python, Zombie, forms, tables and tests - April 7
- Easter out of the city - April 6
- Pyramid: set a cookie returning a HTTPFound - March 30
- Feeling an old techie - March 25
- The shape and the mood - March 9
201411 posts
- 5 random things I did this weekend - December 9
- ZODB, how to properly delete a BLOB file - November 25
- PyConES 2014 - November 20
- Bash shellshock bug update: loving Fabric - September 26
- Django deploy: problems with limited hosting - July 21
- GPG: Revalidate expired key and add new email account - July 5
- Logwatch, add a new postfix custom service - June 8
- Postfix: Deal with a cracked email account - May 23
- Tmux: detach otras sesiones que no son la tuya - May 15
- Django and memcache: clear cache keys - February 5
- Mercurial: pager extension - January 23
201315 posts
- Restaurar InnoDB partiendo solamente de archivos - December 5
- Pyramid: 6 - Forms (simpleform) - November 4
- Pyramid: 5 - Views y Chameleon Templates - November 3
- Pyramid: 4 - Models - November 2
- Pyramid: 3 - URL Dispatching y ZODB Traversal - November 1
- Pyramid: 2 - Entendiendo la estructura del proyecto - October 31
- Pyramid: 1 - Montando entorno y proyecto con ZODB - October 30
- Django: limpiando usuarios desde shell - September 12
- Túnel MySQL por SSH - August 28
- Mercurial: Merge branches - July 17
- Disconnecting a bit - June 13
- Cambiar kernel en ovh con grub (nfs) - March 11
- Pair programming con tmux - February 25
- Darcs: otra forma de trabajar - January 11
- El papeleo de ser padre - January 8
20124 posts
- Emacs go to line y reload sin salir de Emacs - August 13
- Flask-HTMLBlog - June 7
- Django: Cambiando de DB Engine - April 28
- Desarrollo web con Python: Flask - February 15
20116 posts
- Nginx - November 10
- Apache + Squid + Nginx - October 28
- Apache: Alta carga de CPU - August 9
- Hacer scroll en GNU Screen - April 11
- Django + virtualenv + pip - February 23
- ¿Codeigniter-Reactor + esteroides? - February 4
20109 posts
- Dovecot, pequeñas peculiaridades - September 7
- Limitando usuarios ssh en Mercurial - July 21
- Papá, ¡somos campeones del mundo! - July 12
- Mercurial sobre Apache - May 7
- Mercurial: automatizando al máximo - March 18
- Mercurial en Fedora Core 4 y CentOS 5 - March 8
- Mercurial: Hook on push - February 21
- El mejor firewall - February 11
- Rooted CON - January 15