oscarmlage oscarmlage

Recently: 2021-til-11

Written by oscarmlage on

Lately I got that feeling that I needed to write again. Don't know why but probably this loneliness feeling, working from home without almost any social contact is one of the root keys.

So, did a quick tour through the photos since the last Recently post and found that I could mention a couple of - doubtful interest - things...


We did lot of short trips this year. I bet that lockdown and the fear to be locked again helped a bit.



As an exercise of - dunno how to say - fight against the low level of daily communication, I've started to play with Twitch and did some live sessions, mostly programming. It was the perfect excuse to have fun with Rust and Go. Now the internal fight is to be able to reach the previous month hours :). There is not so much to see but this is my account just in case you feel curious about it.





Lots of advances here, we wanted to make it possible for the summer but it couldn't be, so we're now in a kind of "on-hold" state, overall process is about 85% I'd say.


Real Life

And meanwhile, life happens with it's ups and downs. But doesn't worth to waste words on it.