Welcome 2016

2015 will be remembered (by us) as the year when my children started going to school. With all its implications, new schedules, calendar settings and try to fit the mess with the work times and other tasks. Despite the initial organizational mess, the year was ok with me as we all have health. The only spot I need to improve is to be able to disconnect and to have a better "parenting quality time".
At the professional side I'm working with an incredible team of friends, learning from them every day - I could even attend a full MeigaSprint - so the only thing I can ask the new year is to keep the current situation. It might be interesting to gather some time to contribute actively to any open source project, let's see if I can handle it.
And well, as all the years, there are some other minor tasks ready to be improved: the phisical shape or to work a bit more the fear of flying... but don't like to be too hard on myself ;).