oscarmlage oscarmlage


I’m late, but #HNY everyone #yawn

ES: Un pequeño gesto que puede salvar vidas. Si tienes la oportunidad, anímate a donar. Es rápido, seguro y muy necesario. Busca tu centro de donación más cercano y #DonaSangre #SalvaVidas

EN: A small gesture that can save lives. If you have the chance, give blood. It’s quick, safe, and truly needed. Find your nearest donation center and #DonateBlood #SaveLives

11 días sin hacer ejercicio físico de una forma medianamente intensa (catarro y catarsis de rodilla mediante) y estoy que me subo por las paredes. Espero ser capaz de ponerle solución mañanita mismo. #thinkingoutloud #yavosotrosque – creo que en 2k25 me voy a apropiar de este hashtag de @benalb

Today I needed a day off the keyboard, so I took. It wasn’t the best, but I think it worked pretty well.

Look what I’ve found. Oh the memories!

I’m glad my new bathroom doesn’t —afaik— have anything that does tracking, because I’m sure it would also do the #wrapped thing:

  • Total time spent: 72 hours.
  • Most played song in the shower: [Insert your favorite hit here].
  • Most used product: Anti-hair-loss shampoo.
  • Average nighttime visits: 1.5 times per week.

Maybe it would even include a ranking of your most epic shower moments… Written from the bathroom, obvs.

#Arcane is a masterpiece, and season 2 will be the cherry on top. 10/10. Sorry, but I had to say it.

Everyone has the right to have their own #wrapped and us console-lovers can’t be left behind.

Obviously, you don’t have to upload your bash_history if you don’t want to, you can always do a:

$ git clone  
$ cp env-sample .env  
$ make start

And launch your own instance


Finally got #conform working in a somewhat decent way! Today I’m a little bit happier.

vim.keymap.set("v", "=", ":lua require'conform'.format()<CR>")

#nvim #neovim

Found myself writing a bunch of #Go code to track every time I switch my heating system ON and OFF, just to log hours and consumption. Is this a symptom of some kind of weird illness?