oscarmlage oscarmlage

Upgrading Django to 1.8

Written by oscarmlage on

As they said, having last version has several benefits:

Also it's even greater that 1.8 is a LTS (Long-term support), that means we will get bug fixes and security updates for a guaranteed period of time, typically 3+ years.

How the upgrade has affected to some Django 1.4 production code?, hard to say in few words, it depends on how the code is (+ 3rd party pieces), but main spots - to take it carefully - I've noted were:

It would be very tough if this above points pretend to be a guide or something like that. Not by a long shot. My recommendation is - of course - take a cup of your favourite drink, a bunch of patience... start reading the release notes and, above all, have as much fun as you can :).