Trick for the summer: the mifi router + 3g data sim

As all the summers, we're trying to move from here to there enjoying the weather, beach, camping and all that stuff you can only take advantage of in this season.
Worst of all is not being able to get the three months of fully-time holiday so I've to carry the office on one's back. With this scenario some other problems appears when you need an internet connection, some places WIFI is really slow and some others it doesn't exist at all. Quite similar problem with the MIFI connections, the coverage with my company is not as good as I'd like so I had to find a solution.
We'll agree if I said that Movistar is the company with best 3G coverage in .es, and they have a low-cost subsidiary company (.tuenti) that allows us to buy a only data prepaid card for only 7€ per 1Gb (plus some addons if you want more data bandwidth). Gadgets implied:
Once the order arrived (the TP-Link 5350 was faster, the .tuenti card took about 6-7 days because of weekend and data verification as they said) I've put the card in the phone and configured the data connection to test that it worked (like a charm).
Then I put the card in the TP-Link and following instructions I've connected to his WIFI (access data are written inside the device, take note of the data once you open the device to put the card and the battery) and then I've configured all the stuff vía web (
Note: The only "trick" I had to do was enable the Roaming service, dunno why but it was not working with this option as disabled (thanks to amazon questions and answers board, where I've found it).
The TP-Link M5350 battery is about 7h., then you can plug the device to the power and continue using it. It perfectly fits my needs as I'm not thinking about work over that time under this conditions. Thinking about the battery, the goal in my case is to be able to put the device where the coverage is better and stay there for a while.
After some tests I think it will do the job, let's see if - with this kind of solution - I can disconnect a bit. After all, the vacations are to be enjoyed too.