Stay static
Bunch of years ago, when social networks did not exist (wow) the web prettended to be pretty simple. As simple that some content management systems were designed to do a kind of hard work: build a static site from the dynamic one.
Bunch of years ago, when social networks did not exist (wow) the web prettended to be pretty simple. As simple that some content management systems were designed to do a kind of hard work: build a static site from the dynamic one.
Sigamos tirando del hilo de los recently, son la excusa fácil para volver a contar cosas. Le he estado dando vueltas a ver si encajaba mejor una estructura de subtemas más o menos fija o variar según lo acontecido y creo que de momento me decanto por lo segundo.
Un par de pequeñas coincidencias me han empujado a desempolvar esa «fina capa de mugre» que recubre el entorno administrativo de este CMS. Hacía tiempo que no me daba una vuelta por los feeds de la blogosfera (si es que el término sigue siendo válido en 2021) y entre que he descubierto que el amigo Juanjo ha abierto un nuevo blog y que Andrés me ha dado a conocer los "
Despues de varias aventuras y - sobre todo - desventuras con brew, he tomado la decisión de minimizar - o intentarlo al menos - que las dependencias de mis múltiples entornos de desarrollo estén enganchadas o dependan - valga la redundancia - directamente del gestor de paquetes del sistema, por lo que pueda pasar.
When you are a kind of old school, modern times means a bit of pain in some way. Your soul is mostly seeking inner peace but on the other hand, as someone that works with technology, you wouldn't stay freeze.
I'm still - and proudly - using irc for daily contact with my team mates and it's perfectly fine for our purposes. Well, I miss so much a couple of things (like edit a message with typos or the ability to easily share a photo/screenshot) but we're witty enough to manage among us.
It seems I have no time to sitting in front of the computer with the aim of writting some words for the blog anymore, but today I managed to, so here I am, trying to think a bit and sort out this issue.
Hace algún tiempo escribía en el blog cosas sobre La Comunidad y sobre lo complicado que es organizar, pero sobre todo acertar. Y hablaba del caso particular de Lugo, donde, aún no siendo demasiado pretencioso, nos ha costado siempre un montón arrancar.
Online privacy is a human right. Privacy is a fundamental condition to be free. Snowden has remembered us the extraordinary ability of any human being to change the world. No place to hide -- Glenn Greenwald
From June 27th to July 15th I was attending to the World Roller Games 2019, the world's largest event comprising all the world championship roller sports disciplines. As group of developers, our commitment there was keep the homogeneity of the data transfered by the different companies who are the responsibles for the different disciplines.