New monitor: Acer G276HLA
A great friend of mine adviced me about a bid during the Amazon Premium Day. We have been talking about monitors some time ago and he remembered I was searching a replacement for my 22"
A great friend of mine adviced me about a bid during the Amazon Premium Day. We have been talking about monitors some time ago and he remembered I was searching a replacement for my 22"
Stupidity of the day: calculate the date in an double quoted bash alias. It seems that, if you don't escape the date call, it's called at the time of the alias definition, so it's not the real behaviour I was looking for:
As they said, having last version has several benefits: New features and improvements are added. Bugs are fixed. Older version of Django will eventually no longer receive security updates. Upgrading as each new Django release is available makes future upgrades less painful by keeping your code base up to date.
It's not quite known that some of us are still using irc as main channel for projects. I have to admit that without irc wouldn't have been able to talk with many interesting people, even lead developers in great opensource projects.
Fun is not the word because I went to bed really annoyed last two days, but it's the only way I can handle this, having as much "fun" as I can.
Nowadays using a version control system is as basic as using an editor. I have to admit I'm a mercurial fanboy because it's clear, simple and written in python. In some other projects we're using darcs, similar to mercurial but with a different approach.
Sometimes you feel that the world is against you, sometimes it's a computer what makes your life miserable. This time was a cocktail of elements. Trying to test a simple form functionally from python-zombie was like a nightmare.
Once more, we decided to go out of the city, to a house in the country side, in Calo, near the sea, to spent the 4 free Easter days. What can I say, it was nice as ever, enjoying a lot with children, friends and pleasant walks.
Probably it will not be the most common scenario, but if you want to save a cookie and make a redirection right away using HTTPFound, the cookie won't being saved. That's the fact.
I was thinking about that feeling lately. It seems that I can not follow the wave out there, there are many things escaping from my comprehension due lack of time. Starting to talk about anything not related to my day-by-day is starting to feeling myself out of date.