Sometimes the load feels overwhelming, especially when life throws unexpected challenges your way. It’s okay to step back and unplug for a couple of days to recharge. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Being my first experience in something like this, I didn’t realize how difficult construction work could be. Tough times.
This job is getting serious… looks like we’re about to drill all the way to the Earth’s core.
Today I learned how to modify a fluorescent tube ceiling light to replace it with two LED bulbs.
I’ve been reworking the About section of the website. Very interesting stuff about the nowpages
, couldn’t resist diving in. Also updated the resume, which had been outdated for over a decade.
It’s been fun, for a change.
Today I’ve built a new template for Obsidian Templater that allows the microposts creation inside Hugo running a simple command:
title: null
date: 2024-05-22 00:26:11
draft: false
tags: micropost
I’m really starting to love this kind of things. #obsidian #TIL
Sometimes I feel a bit odd if I write toots in Spanish for English-speaking readers in Mastodon, but other times I understand that Spanish is the most suitable due to the location of what needs to be conveyed… so I’ve added this to my bio:
Hide my Spanish posts via selecting your preferred language(s) via:
Preferences → Other → Filter languages
It doesn’t fix anything but it doesn’t hurt either :P
I admit I have a love/hate relationship with microposting. On one hand, with platforms like Mastodon, it's very easy to use to generate written content and accompany it with a couple of photos/videos. On the other hand, I don't like the idea of content getting lost or handing it over to third parties (Twitter, cough cough)
The solution I came up with some time ago to not lose certain posts is to add a #micropost tag to them and import them into a section within my blog using a small program that takes that feed and transforms it into markdown importable in #hugo...
I think I'm going to write a proper post about this: obs2hugo.go