oscarmlage oscarmlage


I've discovered a simple way to integrate running tests for a project within popups in , and I can toggle them with a single shortcut.

It might sound trivial, but it saves me a lot of keystrokes every day.

And my mind is happier too because I can quickly hide all those Fs.

Sometimes even SQL reveals itself as a powerful magic wand. When you think you need to conjure a small script to recover a specific field from all the records in a table from the abyss of your backup, you're amazed because... it's just SQL! 💫

For a time, I made an effort to stay connected with people I believed were valuable, only to discover that my efforts often went unreturned. This experience led me to become more introspective and guarded, but it also helped me recognize those who truly matter. Many people seemed to be absorbed in their own problems and rarely taking a moment to inquire about the well-being of the others.

It's a reminder, happiness often lies in the quality of connections rather than the quantity.

I'll never cease to be amazed by the power of Django's ORM. 🚀

Masterpiece! It's been a long time since I had this much fun with a game

Friendly reminder: we often overcomplicate our work and forget to appreciate life's simple pleasures. No fancy setup or powerful computers are needed to get the job done. Sometimes, less really is more.

I miss so much something like a for debugging when you're running the code inside a container.

I mean it's so easy to add a `pdb.set_trace()` and attach to that container waiting for the stop and just start the debug.

I don't know how to do the same without depending on some other external tools like and a dozen of plugins for .

Drawbacks of a compiled language, I guess

Though it's not the most ideal tool with its limitations and dependencies (like VPN, data connections, remote services, etc...) but it's just so convenient that it annoys me.

From my pov, the touchscreen, the supreme keyboard, and that 'open-and-go' feeling are incomparable to any other portable machine.

Historia en 4 fotos...

Gardening. I needed to replant some grass because it didn't quite cover the area. Fresh air always helps.