oscarmlage oscarmlage

Struggle and Motivation

Written by oscarmlage on

I was browsing the Mastodon timeline and came across this interesting article by Rach Smith discussing a key factor in becoming a developer. I mostly agree with her perspective. It’s hard to replicate the career of any individual, but, aside from external factors, the struggle with various problems you encounter is a crucial aspect. You need to enjoy it.

In addition to that, I believe another key factor is motivation. It’s great if you enjoy the job and have the right motivation. However, even if you enjoy the work and the challenges, without motivation, the journey can become hard and tough.

I really enjoy tackling daily problems and finding suitable solutions. I love opening my computer every day to improve something. I’m constantly looking for new ideas, even when I’m not in front of the screen (while showering, walking, etc.).

But currently, I’m at a point where I open my computer and it’s like a blank screen; I’m not enjoying it anymore. The projects I’m working on are either stalled or halted, and my motivation is nearly /dev/null.

Motivation can significantly impact your performance at work. It drives you to tackle challenges, pursue new solutions, and continuously improve. When you’re motivated, you’re more likely to be proactive, creative, and productive, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and career growth.

Motivation is different for everyone; it’s essential to find your own. Whether it’s the type of work, your colleagues, the daily routine, the financial rewards, or the tasks you enjoy the most, identify what drives you. But whatever it is, make sure you find it.

That’s why I believe one of the key factors in this career (and probably many others) is motivation.

Stay hydrated, stay motivated.