Casual fun with tests

Fun is not the word because I went to bed really annoyed last two days, but it's the only way I can handle this, having as much "fun" as I can.
In one of my projects we are using py.test + splinter + selenium + (phantomjs|chromedriver) for headless testing. It's a good combination when it works, but the question is that rarely does in my enviroment.
Don't know whose fault, first times I've pointed to chromedriver (tried many versions), then I've changed to phantomjs and crashes were still there. Tried phantomjs downloaded binary from oficial web, other one from npm, even tried building my own binary!. Then I've changed the selenium version (2.45.0, 2.44.0, 2.43.0...), splinter (from 0.6.0 to 0.7.2), I've tried rebuilding the enviroment from scratch, increasing OS limits... but nothing seemed to work.
project/tests/test_integration/ ....
project/tests/test_integration/ ...............
project/tests/test_integration/ .
project/tests/test_integration/ ..........
project/tests/test_integration/ .....................................
project/tests/test_integration/ ...............
project/tests/test_integration/ ........
project/tests/test_integration/ .......
project/tests/test_integration/ ....
project/tests/test_integration/ ..
project/tests/test_integration/ ....
project/tests/test_integration/ .........
project/tests/test_integration/ ...........
project/tests/test_integration/ ............FFF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
File ".../lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/phantomjs/",
line 75, in start raise WebDriverException("Unable to start phantomjs with ghostdriver.", e)
WebDriverException: Message: Unable to start phantomjs with ghostdriver.
Screenshot: available via screen
================================ 28 failed, 1809 passed, 2 skipped in 1825.82 seconds ================================
project/tests/test_integration/ ....
project/tests/test_integration/ ...............
project/tests/test_integration/ .
project/tests/test_integration/ ................................
project/tests/test_integration/ ...............
project/tests/test_integration/ ........
project/tests/test_integration/ .......
project/tests/test_integration/ ..FF
project/tests/test_integration/ FF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFFFFFFF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFFFFFFFFF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
project/tests/test_integration/ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
File ".../lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/",
line 70, in start")
WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be available in the path.
Please look at and read up at
================================ 67 failed, 1770 passed, 2 skipped in 1182.77 seconds ================================
$ phantomjs -v
(tested with 1.9.8 downloaded binary, from npm and built one)
$ chromedriver -v
ChromeDriver 2.15.322455 (ae8db840dac8d0c453355d3d922c91adfb61df8f)
$ pip freeze
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 12 2013, 13:26:39)
$ ulimit
$ sysctl -a | grep maxfil
kern.maxfiles = 12288
kern.maxfilesperproc = 10240
kern.maxfiles: 12288
kern.maxfilesperproc: 10240
$ sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=65536
$ sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536
$ sysctl -a | grep maxfil
kern.maxfiles = 65536
kern.maxfilesperproc = 65536
kern.maxfiles: 65536
kern.maxfilesperproc: 65536
$ launchctl limit maxfiles
maxfiles 256 unlimited
$ launchctl limit maxproc
maxproc 709 1064
Integration tests starts working great, but suddenly "it" starts to crash and once it crashes first time, I only get F
til the end. I've opened a issue in splinter github project, I've asked in #phantomjs freenode irc channel but there are no clues about that strange behaviour. It exceeds my patience.
Casually one of my fellows said something about running tests slightly faster with multiprocessing option (-n
) and once we tested it - just curiosity - we realized that tests were not failing in same way, moreover, they were finally passing!. Speed is not the key, because the improvement is not that much, but who cares... test are passing!!.
$ py.test -s --tb=native --cov project --cov-report term-missing -n 2
In the end we don't know what's happening with our enviroments, don't know who's fault, but we find a temporary solution in a stupid an casual way. "Fun".