Blog introspection
I’ve written posts about the history of this blog here and there (and many others have been lost during domain changes). However, this challenge shared by el amigo Juanjo feels like a great exercise in introspection.
I’ve written posts about the history of this blog here and there (and many others have been lost during domain changes). However, this challenge shared by el amigo Juanjo feels like a great exercise in introspection.
Sometimes, things don’t turn out as planned. Not how you expected, not how you hoped, and certainly not how you envisioned them. Sometimes, life forces you to question motivations that feel irrational or outcomes that are beyond your control, things that aren’t tied to your effort, your decisions, or your intentions.
And the day came when a part of the magic and innocence of Christmas was lost. At 12 years old, it feels as though something inside me has been taken away.
Some time ago, I decided to integrate Hugo, the static site generator, with Obsidian, my favorite note-taking tool, so that writing becomes the only obstacle to publishing new content. This post explains how I set it up and shares some tips to reduce the friction between writing, generating, and publishing.
Something I’ve been waiting for years finally happened tonight: for the first time, “the boys” and I were left alone at home, and the idea of “playing some FIFA” came up naturally.
Once, I met a robot who shared some wise words with me. It said, «I am a bridge, built to connect worlds that were never meant to meet. On one side, a web of infinite possibilities; on the other, the raw, unfiltered depths of reality.
The Eternal Dilemma. The first door that opened when I decided to leave Twitter was Mastodon, and I have a special fondness for it because of that. It also gave me the chance to experience what it’s like to run an instance with actual users.
I love automating anything that even hints at being repetitive. I don’t mind investing time in it because I know that sooner or later I’ll be grateful I did. Another one of my “sins” (from an excess) is documentation—I’m always thinking about my future self.
The other day a blog reader - I assume - let me know that my feed content was broken. The content syndication was failing because, in every post that loaded an image with the theme’s gallery shortcode, the code appeared instead of the images:
As the wikipedia says, «The term “digital nomad” started to be used in the early 1990s to describe a new type of high tech traveling lifestyle made possible by the growth of computer networking and popularization of mobile devices like laptops, tablets and PDAs.