oscarmlage oscarmlage


From time to time I get an error like this trying to execute a custom command:

$ make backup
make: 'backup' is up to date

I thought that something was wrong with that backup command but it seems the error is because there is a `backup/` directory sibling to the `Makefile`.

If you change the directory name or the command name, the error is gone. Weird, indeed.

Morning vibes, Friday vibes... gives me so nice pictures :)

I had a little whim, wanted to import all the toots from tagged as in my web (a static site generated by ).

It was a perfect excuse to practice a bit of and enjoy all the little lessons I've learned.

I doubt it will be helpful to anyone but just in case I've published the repo:


I know there is quite room for improvement but feel free to give some feedback ;)


Boost morning!

I've read you can use with too via (and also works). It may probably be worth giving it a try.


I think I've said it before, but I'm totally **in love** with procedure, even being a yml-based thing


In software engineering, debugging (or ) is a method of debugging code by articulating a problem in spoken or written natural language.

The name is a reference to a story in the book «The Pragmatic Programmer» in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.


The solution with buggy / outdated :

Package versions can’t be deleted, they can only be yanked. A yanked package can still be used if it is in your project’s lock file so existing projects will not break.

But new projects can not use a buggy version, will display an error and advise an upgrade. Backwards compatibility without compromising new features.



November 12, 2022. Walking wearing t-shirt at night. Unbelievable.

The other day a friend of mine asked if I'd noted some problem or high load in our little instance. I said no, but then I took a look at , and it seemed that -definitely- something was occurring in the background.

This instance has been installed on 2022-05-26 in a little server, on 2022-09-09 it was migrated to v.3.5.3 and on 2022-09-24 I've bought a new -bigger- server.

- Media storage: 30Gb.
- Postgres storage: 400Mb.
- Redis storage: 20Mb.

That's the toy.