I have to say, today hasn’t been a great day around here. Interestingly, rest days tend to be worse overall… but I can’t train 5 days in a row.
And the day came when a part of the magic and innocence of Christmas was broken. 12 years old, and it feels like something inside me has been torn away.
I hope I did the right thing, but at this age and with high school in the mix, it could have been very cruel.
ES: Un pequeño gesto que puede salvar vidas. Si tienes la oportunidad, anímate a donar. Es rápido, seguro y muy necesario. Busca tu centro de donación más cercano y #DonaSangre #SalvaVidas
EN: A small gesture that can save lives. If you have the chance, give blood. It’s quick, safe, and truly needed. Find your nearest donation center and #DonateBlood #SaveLives
11 días sin hacer ejercicio físico de una forma medianamente intensa (catarro y catarsis de rodilla mediante) y estoy que me subo por las paredes. Espero ser capaz de ponerle solución mañanita mismo. #thinkingoutloud #yavosotrosque – creo que en 2k25 me voy a apropiar de este hashtag de @benalb
Today I needed a day off the keyboard, so I took. It wasn’t the best, but I think it worked pretty well.
I’m glad my new bathroom doesn’t —afaik— have anything that does tracking, because I’m sure it would also do the #wrapped thing:
- Total time spent: 72 hours.
- Most played song in the shower: [Insert your favorite hit here].
- Most used product: Anti-hair-loss shampoo.
- Average nighttime visits: 1.5 times per week.
Maybe it would even include a ranking of your most epic shower moments… Written from the bathroom, obvs.
#Arcane is a masterpiece, and season 2 will be the cherry on top. 10/10. Sorry, but I had to say it.