I’m glad my new bathroom doesn’t —afaik— have anything that does tracking, because I’m sure it would also do the #wrapped thing:
- Total time spent: 72 hours.
- Most played song in the shower: [Insert your favorite hit here].
- Most used product: Anti-hair-loss shampoo.
- Average nighttime visits: 1.5 times per week.
Maybe it would even include a ranking of your most epic shower moments… Written from the bathroom, obvs.
#Arcane is a masterpiece, and season 2 will be the cherry on top. 10/10. Sorry, but I had to say it.
Everyone has the right to have their own #wrapped and us console-lovers can’t be left behind.
Obviously, you don’t have to upload your bash_history
if you don’t want to, you can always do a:
$ git clone
$ cp env-sample .env
$ make start
And launch your own instance
Finally got #conform working in a somewhat decent way! Today I’m a little bit happier.
vim.keymap.set("v", "=", ":lua require'conform'.format()<CR>")
Found myself writing a bunch of #Go code to track every time I switch my heating system ON and OFF, just to log hours and consumption. Is this a symptom of some kind of weird illness?
Today, I said NO to a customer. I think it’s the first time I’ve done it so explicitly. They’ve been trying for months to push me into a space where I feel anything but comfortable, and I realized it wouldn’t be good for either of us. I still feel a bit weird about it… guess it’s just lack of practice.
Porque los raritos que vivimos en un terminal también disfrutamos de nuestro #ViernesDeEscritorio. Sí, es #macos con #kitty y #tmux con varios panes (#nvim #mutt #htop).
I’ve set up #Matrix again with all kinds of bridges, just because I couldn’t be bothered to switch apps. Now I have everything at my fingertips in the console.
I feel like we closed a door yesterday that had been open for six years. Grateful for everything I’ve learned and sad because I fear it will be a while before we can actively work together again.
Yesterday, my eyes sparkled once more, even if just for a little while. They already know who they are—no need to say much more.